Social responsibility

Falcor BC – Corporate Social Responsibility Policy

Ethics Statement

At Falcor we adopt a set of principals which represent the values of our management; namely Commitment, Responsibility, Team Working and Fairness.  Emphasis is placed on operating with a high level of openness, honesty and ethics, and this is expected to be fully adopted by all our staff.

We will comply fully with all local legislation wherever we work and are committed to applying the highest standards of business and behaviour right across our organisation.

We pay all legislated taxes in each jurisdiction we operate in, and do not pursue tax avoidance schemes to reduce our responsibilities in this regard.

Falcor will not contract with organisations that represent regimes that violate the human rights of their people, nor will we contract with parties that are engaged in the supply and/or manufacture of weapons of war.

Anti-Bribery and Corruption Statement

 It is Falcor’s policy to conduct all business in an honest and ethical manner. We take a zero-tolerance approach to Bribery and Corruption and are committed to acting professionally, fairly and with integrity in all our business dealings and relationships wherever we operate, and implementing and enforcing effective systems to counter bribery.

We will uphold all laws relevant to countering bribery and corruption in all the jurisdictions in which we operate, holding ourselves subject to both national and international laws.

Environmental Statement

Falcor is committed to managing environmental impact as an integral part of operations. In particular, it is our policy to assure the environmental integrity of our processes at all times.

We will employ management systems and procedures designed to minimize the use of energy and other natural resources, to minimize the generation of waste, and to enable recycling and reuse of materials wherever possible.

Ethical Procurement Statement

 We will work closely with suppliers to secure sustainable sourcing of materials

We are committed to source only from suppliers who demonstrate ethical and environmental practices.

We maintain the highest standard of integrity when building relationships with our suppliers, rejecting any business practices which might reasonably be deemed improper, and never use our authority or position for personal gain. In this regard we follow fair payment practices and settle invoices to terms.

Falcor will always reject suppliers which engage in, unlawful practices, violate employee rights, or discriminate against individuals or groups on the grounds of race, gender, age, nationality, or religious belief.

Modern Slavery Act Statement

 Falcor is committed to preventing slavery and human trafficking in its activities, and to ensuring that its clients and supply chains are free from slavery and human trafficking.

In the event of discovery of activities which breach the Modern Slavery Act of 2015, we are committed to bringing the matter to the relevant authorities, irrespective of the impact to our business.

This statement has been approved by Falcor’s management.